Thank you for your interest in Bullseye Sellers!
Back in 2017 I sold my Amazon private label brand and was left feeling like my Amazon experience was at times difficult, lonely and quilt tumultuous. I just knew other sellers had to feel the same as I did and knew that I had life experience and hard-earned tips and tricks that other sellers could greatly benefit from.
Shortly after this realization, Bullseye Sellers was born. What began with a few tools and hourly consulting gigs has blossomed to almost 30 team members managing over 100 Amazon brands and successfully launching over 1000 products in just 4 years.
We have a secret to share. Bullseye is NOT your traditional agency built with one or two experts at the top and the rest of the team being new to the Amazon space, only learning on the job. In fact, believe it or not, Bullseye has ZERO employees. Every single account managed has a seasoned veteran at the helm, who still sells on Amazon themselves and is paid on a majority ownership plan of 70% or more of your monthly payment.
This unique model makes our team leads, who were hand-picked experts, be fiercely engaged in the performance of every account they manage. If you win, they win. If you lose, they lose. And we all know money talks, bull*#&t walks, right?
So, are you excited to have a seasoned Amazon seller with actual skin in the game grow your brand?
I thought so…
Ian Page
Bullseye Sellers LLC
Say Hello to Our Team

Ian Page

Emily Angus
Office Manager

Michael Villamor
Director of Marketing & Design

Eric Young
VP Brand Management

Isabelle Goodsell
VP Brand Management

Michael Estey
VP Brand Management

Drew Hart
VP Marketplace Ad Mgmt

Brandon Demercado
Listing Optimization Specialist